Improve Collaboration with Team Building

A strong team will deliver better results for your business.

In fact, research shows that groups of three or more outperform the best of the same number of individuals working on their own.

Know Your Pace team-building events bring your employees together in a relaxed environment. They learn to trust more. Communicate more effectively. And understand each other better. They discover how to work together and build a successful, productive team.

Give your team an incredible experience, with an impact that continues long after they’re back at their desks.

“Team building is the most important investment you can make in your people.”

— Forbes

The Benefits of Team-Building Activities

Know Your Pace events boost staff effectiveness AND enhance their well-being.

Because, improving collaboration through team building leads to more engaged employees, powering up their productivity.

And the stats back this up. Highly engaged business units achieve 81% less absenteeism, 14% more productivity and up to 43% higher turnover.

What’s more, improving workplace trust reduces employee burnout, helping you to retain valuable workers.

The Know Your Pace Team-Building Method

We love running team-building events. But we know they’re intense and hard work. So, we understand that running internal sessions on top of your day job is tough.

It takes time to figure out all those team-building activities and plan the day. Then there’s getting buy-in. From ALL participants…

Using a professional will help pinpoint what you want to achieve. Our Know Your Pace team will meet with you to understand what you want from your event. Then we’ll customize our solutions to give you the results you’re looking for.

Well-being For More Effective Teams

At Know Your Pace we believe that enhancing your team’s well-being is just as important as boosting its effectiveness. In fact, happy individuals make successful teams. That’s why many organizations choose one of our offsite packages.

From orienteering to indoor rock-climbing. From Canoeing to wellness retreats, there’s a Know Your Pace team-building event to suit you and your team.

"Spending time in nature can improve cognitive functioning, boost connections, and be a catalyst for personal and team growth...being exposed to natural settings increases cognitive performance by simultaneously calming the mind while allowing it to focus." -McKinsey