Coaching in Organizations.

Coaching for Potential.

Empowering employees to achieve their true potential is a win-win. Your workers are more fulfilled AND they deliver more value to your organization.

But coaching in the workplace isn’t just for individuals. It’s invaluable for helping teams pull together to reach their goals…or even go beyond what they thought they could achieve.

The Benefits of Coaching in the Workplace

Working life moves fast. It’s vital to take time out from your targets and to-do lists and focus on what’s possible.

Coaching gives you this space.

What could your team achieve? Is everyone pulling together? How can you meet your goals within your team?

More organizations than ever are turning to coaching to uncover the potential in their teams and employees.

You are never done. Everybody needs a coach.

The greatest in the world needs a coach.

— Atul Gawande, Ted Talk: Want to get great at something? Get a coach.

How Does Coaching Develop Employees?

Do your new starters need a confidence boost? Perhaps a manager is negotiating a tricky career transition? Maybe leaders want a better understanding of their leadership style and its impact?

There are so many ways coaching can improve your employees’ performance and well-being.

But Know Your Pace coaching is driven by an underlying belief. Self-leadership is key to fulfillment. That’s why coaching for potential is vital. It enables staff to recharge their motivation, set the goals that are right for them and understand what they need to do to achieve their objectives.

“Just work with her. It’ll change your life.”

— Johnny, client testimonial

How Does Coaching Improve Team Performance?

It’s easy to assume our co-workers think the same as us. It’s surprising when you find they have different expectations, views on what’s normal or even goals for the team. Here’s when you’ll benefit from coaching in the workplace.

Know Your Pace group coaching offers space for communication, reflection, and growth. Bring your team together and forge new expectations of what’s achievable. Work with your coach to boost communication, understanding and trust. Repair and revitalize internal team dynamics. Ensure you’re ALL working towards the same goal.

We’re Hogan, DiSC, and EQi 2.0 certified and use Transactional Analysis. Our coaches have completed ICF accreditation or similar professional development certifications.